Trees 262 Prices subject to change. Celebrating 60 years supplying retailers large and small, garden centers, florists, designers and the service and hospitality industry with all their home good and decorating needs. Directory to light code i.e., “Suffix 2021” A �����������Always lit = Regular T5 Bulbs B ����������� Basic lights = Regular T5 Bulbs C �����������Basic lights with unusual counts = Regular T5 Bulbs D �����������No lights (also no suffix.) E �����������Extra basic lights = Regular T5 Bulbs F �����������Foot pedal with basic light (no longer used) = Regular T5 Bulbs G �����������CSA lights for Canada (also for G40 lights) = Regular T5 Bulbs H �����������CSA extra/extra/LED lights for Canada = Regular T5 Bulbs I ������������LED US & CSA dual lights J ������������CSA LED for Canada L������������ LED lights electric or battery operated M ����������5MM LED Bulbs MG �������5MM LED Bulbs N �����������LED extra/extra LED lights O ����������CSA LED Bulbs (S2 custom color) P �����������LED lights = M5 bulbs R �����������Micro LED bulbs U����������� 3MM LED bulbs V �����������3MM LED bulbs for Canada X �����������Extra Always lights = Regular T5 bulbs Z �����������RGB LED lights with light functions Blue is for BASIC LIGHT USA all UL approved Green is for BASIC LIGHTS CSA approved and LED lights Canada BLACK is for LED lights Everywhere, low voltage